
Showing posts from July, 2021


  GENERAL MEDICINE BIMONTHLY ASSESSMENT  JULY 2021 Shwetha Mummadi Roll no.: 87 QUESTION-1: Competency tested for Peer to peer review and assessment :  Please go through one student's entire answer paper from this link, the one who is closest to your own roll number :   I Have gone through the previous assignment of Roll no.85 Varshith and briefly reviewed all his answers. Here is my review: Question-1 Firstly His case selection is impressive. He selected the cases under each system which is very good. Review given by him is an overall review i.e, He have not given review specifically for each question. His review was well but precise. Therefore,what he had done is good and decent. Question -2 He had done blog on case of MULTIPLE LIVER ABCESS. good attempt and well presented. All the required data is provided in his blog. Treatment details are also collected day to day. Questions 3&4: He gave a clubbed answer for both 3&4 questions. Case was keenly studied and answered well


  GENERAL MEDICINE BIMONTHLY ASSESSMENT JUNE 2021 Shwetha Mummadi Roll No.:87 Question 1: Go through the following links 1. Review: Quantitative review- 7/10 Qualitative review- - Well explained and easy to understand. -  Evolution of symptomatology is clearly explained. - overall work is appreciable. 2. Review: Quantitative  - 10/10 Qualitative -  - Commendable work has been done. - pharmacological interventions are very well explained. - Symptomatology is explained in a clear way. - In etiology the flow charts used for explanation made easy to understand. 3. Review:  Quantitative - 9/10 Qualitative - -