87 Shwetha Mummadi
GENERAL MEDICINE BIMONTHLY ASSESSMENT -October 2021 Shwetha Mummadi Roll no.87 Question-1: Critical Appraisal - GASTROENTEROLOGY - https://63konakanchihyndavi.blogspot.com/2021/10/a-case-discussion-on-chronic-liver.html - The case discussed is of Chronic liver failure and kidney disease. - The case is very well explained. - The main abnormalities of patient are highlighted which are easy to grasp. - There is a video link kept which is very clear about ascitic tap. CNS - http://keelasreevalli.blogspot.com/2021/09/a-52-yr-old-female-homemaker-by.html - This case is well presented. - The day to day investigations and treatment are mentioned clearly. - The clinical presentation of patient is clear in the pictures. HAEMATOLOGY - https://mahithguduri63.blogspot.com/2021/09/pancytopenia-under-evaluation.html?m=1 - The above case presentation is nice. - The case is of Pancytopenia. - The vitals of the patients are well updated day to day. CARDIOLOGY , PULMONOLOGY - https://vamsikrishna19