
Showing posts from December, 2023

OSCE- pre final practical examination

Pre final examination Date:01 Dec 2023 I have  presented a case of 25 yr old female housewife by occupation resident of nalgonda came to general medicine OPD with  Chief complaints: - Body pains since 6 days Fever since 3 days petechial rash on left fore arm on the day of admission after applying Bp cuff  i.e hess test is positive  Direct NS 1 antigen test- positive Diagnosis: Dengue hemorrhagic fever. OSCE question & answers: Link: 1)What are the newer treatment options for dengue other than supportive care? • Monoclonal antibodies VIS513: Pan-serotype anti - DENV monoclonal antibody Diminished circulating infectious DENV Other drugs under studies include • AT-752:  Guanosine nucleotide analog replication Reduced viremia on certain days and improved survival in immunocompromised mice models infected with DE